Feb 24, 2009
How to have a happy relationship--great observations and advice from Tacit (Franklin Veaux). Email cunningminx@gmail.com, call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx, become a fan on Facebook or visit the blog at
Feb 15, 2009
The new Chicago film festival, Sex Postive--an interview with
Clarisse Thorn. Email cunningminx@gmail.com, call 206-202-POLY,
Twitter cunningminx or visit the blog at www.polyweekly.com
Feb 7, 2009
Let's all celebrate the Feast of Love on Feb. 15th! Email cunningminx@gmail.com, 206-202-POLY, Twitter or Facebook cunningminx or visit www.polyweekly.com
Feb 2, 2009
Poly families with Valerie White. Email cunningminx@gmail.com, call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or visit www.polyweekly.com