Jan 26, 2017
I'm meeting lots of guys on OKCupid but can't find one I like. Am I being too picky or too impatient? Email polyweekly@gmail.com, call 802-505-POLY, Twitter @polyweekly or visit www.polyweekly.com or
Jan 19, 2017
If three partners ran off to be in monogamous relationships, does that mean that poly doesn't work for me? Or is it me that isn't working? Email polyweekly@gmail.com, call 802-505-POLY, Twitter @polyweekly or visit www.polyweekly.com or
Jan 11, 2017
How has Dan Savage's position on polyamory changed, and is he poly himself? Email polyweekly@gmail.com, call 802-505-POLY, Twitter @polyweekly or visit www.polyweekly.com or
Jan 5, 2017
How and when to come out to your doctor and how to advocate for yourself when asking for STI screenings. Visit www.polyweekly.com for full show notes and episode archives. Email polyweekly@gmail.com, call 802-505-POLY, Twitter @polyweekly or visit www.facebook.com/polyweekly.