Apr 17, 2008
Trans like me: being transgendered and poly, an interview with Benny. Email cunningminx@gmail.com, call 206-202-POLY, visit www.polyweekly.com or participate in the forums at http://forum.polyweekly.com.
Apr 11, 2008
Can you really love two people at once? And interviews from the Poly Living Conference, 2008, courtesy of Alan of the Poly in the Media blog. Email cunningminx@gmail.com, call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx or visit the blog at www.polyweekly.com
Apr 6, 2008
Where are all the polys hiding? Find out five places to meet other poly people or at least poly-friendly folks. Email cunningminx@gmail.com, call 206-202-POLY, Twitter cunningminx, leave a comment at the blog at www.polyweekly.com or participate in the forums at