Oct 26, 2006
A poly play; dealing with the monkeys; poly in the media. Email
cunningminx@gmail.com or call 206-202-POLY. Thanks for
Oct 18, 2006
Mistress Matisse tells it like it is; what conservatives are good
for; an interview with the authors of a book on tantric sex. Email
cunningminx@gmail.com or call 206-202-POLY.
Oct 13, 2006
Poly-mono resources; understanding jealousy; a poly play and Polly
& Marie, a new poly TV sitcom. Email cunningminx@gmail.com or call
206-202-POLY. Thanks for listening!
Oct 8, 2006
Return to the original orgasm; interview with Anita Wagner. Email
cunningminx@gmail.com or call 206-202-POLY.
Oct 5, 2006
Making choices when a partner is sick; masturbation and platonic love; along came polyamory controversy in the media. Questions? Feedback? Email cunningminx@gmail.com or call 206-202-POLY.