Jun 27, 2006
Poly songs; sperm wars and reproductive strategies; an interview with Omaha Sternberg about her poly family. Email cunningminx@gmail.com; show notes are at polyweekly.livejournal.com
Jun 20, 2006
Poly as orchestra; poly and Buddhism; interview with Omaha Sternberg. Email cunningminx@gmail.com or call 206-202-POLY. Show Notes at polyweekly.livejournal.com
Jun 14, 2006
Poly songs; a kinky minister speaks on civil rights; Jon Stewart on poly and gay marriage rights; interview with Sheva. Email cunningminx@gmail.com or call 206-202-POLY.
Jun 11, 2006
Poly music; conservative-bashing; how much does your lover want to know?; an interview with Sheva about self and empowerment. Email cunningminx@gmail.com or call the listener comment line at 206-202-POLY.
Jun 1, 2006
Shibaricon post-mortem; big gay love; poly-English translations; an interview with Twisted Monk. Email comments to cunningminx@gmail.com or call the listener comment line at 206-202-POLY.