Dec 29, 2017
Is it OK to use your veto power if your metamour is a drama queen to the point that your needs aren't being met?
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Lusty Guy cohosts, and we talk over how our polycule handled the holidays this...
Dec 18, 2017
Erich Viedge interviews French poly filmmaker Isa Lutine, a.k.a. Isabelle Broué, about her latest poly film.
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Nurse, counselor and poly educator Kathy Labriola shares her poly holiday survival guide...
Dec 8, 2017
Kitty Chambliss shares her insights on jealousy and the Jealousy Survival Guide
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We’re on Spotify!
Dec 1, 2017
Pepper Mint discusses his new book, Playing Fair: Guide to Nonmonogamy for Men Into Women
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Minx apologizes for not publishing the last two weeks due to work and family obligations, but yay, we have an...
Nov 9, 2017
South African correspondent Erich Viedge interviews sex educator Casey Blake for tips on how to talk about your poly relationships and your general polyamory with your kids:
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